Allyane: brain power for your rehabilitation

You are suffering from traumatic pathologies or after-effects related toĀ traumatic pathologies or neurological disorders? Accelerate your return to motor skills with the Allyane neuromotor rehabilitation method.

Do you have motor inhibitions?

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The innovative rehabilitation method that combines the benefits of sound stimulation with mental imagery.

Mental imagery is based on neurofunctional equivalence. Several scientific studies show that thinking about an action stimulates the same areas of the brain as performing the action.

Combined with proprioception and low-frequency sounds emitted by a patented medical device, it helps improve therapeutic results in functional rehabilitation.

About Allyane

Your rehabilitation with AllyaneĀ 

The Allyane neuromotor rehabilitation method is effective and long-lasting. It has no side effects and is non-invasive. Integrated into the care pathways, it allows patients suffering from various pathologies to recover their motor skills quickly and easily.

The Allyane method

Your pathology

The Allyane rehabilitation method can effectively treat various neurological and trauma-related pathologies.


Neurological conditions

  • Stroke - Parkinson's
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Incomplete spinal cord injury

Pathologies of the shoulder

  • Sequelae of capsulitis
  • Shoulder instability: following dislocation / subluxation
  • Post-operation: amplitude deficit

Elbow pathologies

  • Sequelae of tendinopathy
  • Stiffness of the elbow
  • Non-mechanical mobility disorders: flexion/extension/pronosupination

Trunk & spine

  • Cyphosis
  • Scoliosis
  • Sciatica
  • Low back pain

Hip lameness

  • Lack of active mobility (flexion/extension)
  • Lack of stability (insufficient gluteus medius) - Lameness
  • Post hip replacement

Wrist and hand motor skills

  • Grip work
  • Fine motor skills and dexterity work

Knee pathologies

  • Sprain recurrences
  • Cruciate ligaments
  • Knee prosthesis
  • Patellofemoral syndrome
  • Knee Flessum

Ankle instability

  • Sprain recurrences
  • Insufficient lifts
  • Motor inhibitions after immobilisation
  • Post-operations

The Allyane method

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This functional rehabilitation method is applied by Allyane-certified practitioners. Physiotherapist, occupational therapist, osteopath or treating physician. Quickly find the Allyane practitioner nearest you.

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The Allyane method

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