Treatment of elbow pathologies: chronic tendinitis and flessum

Elbow joint physiology

The elbow is a complex joint between the upper arm (humerus) and the forearm (radius and ulna, formerly ulna) and is made up of 3 joints: the humero-ulnar, humero-radial and proximal (superior) radio-ulnar. This joint complex allows flexion and extension movements of the forearm on the arm, as well as pronosupination movements (rotation of the ulna around the radius), which are essential for daily life tasks.

The Allyane method will therefore be useful in the rehabilitative management of most pathologies affecting this joint, particularly in the case of traumas leading to long immobilization.

Generally speaking, elbow pathologies include [1] elbow dislocation and damage to (or rupture of) the external or internal lateral ligaments, hygroma (or bursitis), recurrent epicondylitis-type tendonitis (or "tennis elbow"), radial head, olecranon or epicondylar fractures, tendon ruptures (of the biceps, for example), and algodystrophy (generally secondary to trauma).

It's important to note that tendinopathies in the elbow region are often secondary to joint compensation or stiffness.

Support in the rehabilitation of these disorders will be provided at different stages of the patient's functional rehabilitation.

Causes of elbow pathologies

The origin of elbow pathologies is most often traumatic (accidents, falls) or degenerative (wear and tear). Mobility disorders of the elbow are the expression of hypersollicitation on the joints, for example "tennis elbow". Force, repetition of movements and poor posture are the constraints that can be found in sports or work.

These phenomena tend to cause tendinopathy or stiffening of the elbow joint.

Training in the Allyane method 

Management of elbow pathologies with the Allyane method

Regain the mobility of your elbow thanks to the Allyane muscular reprogramming treatment: the Allyane method will contribute to limiting the loss of articular amplitude, in particular on phenomena such as elbow flexion (consequence of articular stiffening), as well as the loss of strength in general of the upper limb, which follows the more or less long immobilization of this joint if it is traumatized

Specific Allyane sessions can be integrated into the current rehabilitation program, or long afterwards, if the functional disturbances are chronic and persistent.
It is also possible to use sessions to accelerate the rehabilitation process and "return to play" in the case of athletes, for example.
It is important to note that the study of each patient's case is based on a precise medical history and analysis of motor patterns in their entirety; it is therefore not limited to the elbow region alone.

You suffer from elbow pathologies and would you like to benefit from an Allyane session?

Advice from David Touré, osteopath and certified Allyane practitioner

In practice, the therapeutic solutions chosen by your therapist will be the following:

  • Heat: causes vasodilation and promotes tendon healing, but can also be pro-inflammatory and increase pain!
  • Massages: essential and appropriate for the preliminary stage of rehabilitation.
  • Physiotherapy: electrical stimulation, cryotherapy, etc.
  • Balneotherapy: analgesic effect due to the greatly reduced weightlessness.

It will also be possible to carry out active and passive mobilisation exercises on your own, but always in agreement with your therapist or surgeon, and according to the evolution of your rehabilitation treatment.

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The Allyane method

Addressed motor difficulties

Find below the other pathologies treated by the Allyane method.

Shoulder pathology

The Allyane method can also be used to treat shoulder disorders, including the after-effects of capsulitis, shoulder instability (which can occur following a dislocation or subluxation), as well as disorders related to postoperative effects (amplitude deficit, etc.).

Knee pathology

Our method of neurological and motor rehabilitation allows for the effective treatment of traumatic
traumatic knee pathologies, such as recurrence of sprains, cruciate ligaments
knee prostheses, patellofemoral syndrome or knee flessum.

Elbow pathology

Certain elbow pathologies can also be treated with Allyane's physical medicine and rehabilitation method. These include the after-effects of tendinopathy, elbow stiffness and non-mechanical mobility disorders (flexion, extension and pronosupination).

Neurological pathology

The Allyane method can also be used to rehabilitate certain
neurological conditions, in particular those that may arise following a stroke (Parkinson's), multiple sclerosis, incomplete spinal cord injury,
or in the context of spasticity regulation.

Hip lameness

Defects in active mobility (flexion/extension), stability (insufficiency of the gluteus medius) or lameness induced by a hip prosthesis can be effectively corrected by the Allyane rehabilitation method.

Pathologies of the trunk and spine

Certain pathologies of the trunk and spine such as kyphosis, scoliosis, sciatica and lumbago can be treated with our neuromotor reprogramming method.

Wrist and hand motor skills

The Allyane method allows for effective management and is part of a complete care programme.

Ankle instability

The Allyane method is particularly effective in the context of functional re-education
functional rehabilitation in connection with certain ankle pathologies, in particular: recurrence of sprains, muscular disorders (insufficient lifters), motor inhibitions after immobilisation and post-operative effects.

Video analysis and assessment of your motor skills

Definition of the treatment plan with your Allyane certified practitioner

Neuromotor reprogramming

Video analysis and evaluation of results