Allyane, solution de reprogrammation neuromotrice pour dépasser les inhibitions motrices

The innovative Allyane method is based on a combination of proprioception,mental imagery and low-frequency sound. This neuromotor reprogramming solution enables your patients to quickly and effectively regain their everyday gestures.

The Allyane method

Motor inhibitions: a major challenge in patient management

Scientifically documented under the term AMI (Arthrogenic Muscle Inhibition), neuromotor inhibitions define the impediments to movement induced by motor or gestural control in the brain. These inhibitions result from two main causes:

  • The traumatic cause: ankle instability, lameness, muscle weakness, limitation of amplitude of the upper limb;
  • The central cause: when the brain has been directly affected (neurological pathologies, after a stroke, Parkinson's disease or multiple sclerosis).

Les conséquences d’une inhibition motrice

Weaknesses in muscle activation ;

Functional deficits ;

Delays and difficulties in rehabilitation.

The Allyane method removes motor inhibitions and provides effective support to help patients regain their motor skills.

The Allyane method

How does the Allyane method work?

The Allyane method is based on 3 pillars:

ACL Webinar

Work on motor skills ;

Mental imagery work ;

Listening to low frequency sounds

The devices

Les sons de basse fréquence

L’Alphabimove® : générateur de sons de basse fréquence innovant

L’ Alphabimove® est indissociable de la méthode de reprogrammation neuromotrice Allyane. Il permet notamment de piloter la séance grâce à son logiciel spécifique, qui regroupe l’historique de vos patients et les informations (photos et vidéos) d’anamnèses. Vous pouvez concevoir des comptes-rendus automatiques et intégrer des logiciels complémentaires, un logiciel de traitement de données EMG ou encore un dynamomètre.

The Alphabimove® offers unparalleled sound quality and purity.

Our medical device can be operated via software integrated into an iPad.

It also has a wireless remote control.

The Alphabimove® comes with a mobile column for easy use.

Devices designed and developed in France

At Allyane our priority is to act in favour of patient care, while limiting our impact on the environment and favouring local products.

Nous sommes fiers de concevoir et fabriquer notre générateur de sons de basse fréquence en France, et plus particulièrement en région Auvergne Rhône Alpes, avec nos partenaires Innovel, Atoplast & AB Designer. L’Alphabimove® est également fabriquée à partir de matériaux recyclables.

The Allyane method

Integrate neuroscience into your daily practice

Discover our professional training courses to become a certified Allyane practitioner.

The Allyane training includes :

  • A 4-day certification course
  • Un dispositif médical de sons basse fréquence
  • Personalized follow-up (practical and clinical monitoring, exchanges with a learning community, participation in an annual seminar)

The Allyane method

Read their testimonials

  • It is a new approach that is very interesting to practice and very rewarding at the end of the session!

    The Allyane method allows me to unblock certain situations or to gain time in others in order to reach the goal. I consider the method as complementary to my practice, sometimes indispensable. It is a new approach that is very interesting to practice and very gratifying at the end of the session!

    Jean-Marie Bouvard Physiotherapist (MKDE) & Osteopath D.O

  • It is a fast and efficient method

      When I saw the results, I said to myself that Allyane had to be the future. It's a fast, effective method for removing motor inhibitions which I couldn't work on without the Allyane method. Without it, I'd be facing a therapeutic limit and a loss of opportunity for the patients and athletes I follow.

    Timothé Giordano Osteopath D.O

  • I strongly recommend the

      The method's contribution to my practice is growing and will become increasingly essential. I highly recommend the method to all therapists wishing to strengthen and sustain the effectiveness of their treatment.

    Yvan Butscha Physiotherapist (MKDE)

  • Thanks to the method, my biotechnical analysis is more refined

      Thanks to the method, my biotech analysis is more refined, and I'm able to help certain patients I wasn't able to help before. By doing Allyane sessions, I feel I'm doing quality work, during which I consider the patient as a whole.

    Laurent Ferreol Physiotherapist, osteopath D.O.

  • A new approach to care

      I wanted to take a step into rehabilitative care

    Thierry Blandin Physiotherapist (MKDE)

  • A solution to save time in rehabilitation

      This method is a new opportunity for people whose rehabilitation takes a long time, but also a time-saving solution for long and difficult treatments, such as retractile capsulitis. It's a new tool - and what a tool! - for our practice.

    Franck Archimbaud Physiotherapist (MKDE)

  • A new tool for my practice

      Overall, I can say that Allyane is a new tool in my practice. It's particularly precise and intellectually very interesting.

    Jean-Baptiste Colombié Physiotherapist (MKDE) and sports trainer


The Allyane method

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The Allyane method

The Allyane method in the press

Would you like to know more about the results of the sessions of patients in functional rehabilitation, as well as the benefits of our solution for movement professionals?

Discover the articles, press reports and scientific publications published about the Allyane method of treating neuromotor disorders.