Retrouvez le mouvement grâce à la méthode Allyane
Allyane est une méthode ayant pour objectif d’accélérer le retour à la mobilité des patients atteints de pathologies traumatiques (instabilités de cheville, limitation d’amplitude de l’épaule,…) , ou souffrant de séquelles liées à des affections neurologiques (séquelles d’accident vasculaire cérébral (AVC), sclérose en plaques (SEC), etc.).
The Allyane method
The Allyane method: how does it work?
The Allyane method is based on three inseparable elements:
Work on motor skills ;
Mental imagery work;
Listening to low frequency sounds (generated by a patented medical device).
Would you like to learn more?
The Allyane method
The different pathologies treated by the Allyane neuromotor rehabilitation method
The Allyane method
How does an Allyane neuromotor reprogramming session work?
An Allyane session is conducted by a movement professional (rehabilitation doctor, physiotherapist, osteopath) trained and certified in this method. It is non-invasive, painless and has no side effects.
Contre-indications :
Troubles d’origine mécanique
Capacités cognitives dégradées
Enfant trop jeune
Atteintes neurologiques périphériques
Please note: the Allyane method does not work directly on the painful sensation.
A typical session of the rehabilitation programme consists of four steps:
Video analysis and assessment of your motor skills
Definition of the treatment plan with your Allyane certified practitioner
Neuromotor reprogramming
Video analysis and evaluation of results
The Allyane method
Our patients testify
The Allyane method
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The Allyane method